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Late Boomer Food Blog

I like to cook. Most of my dishes are reflective of the fact that I've always been single. So, in bachelor form, I tend to use as few dishes a possible. My father taught me how to cook; his instructions were "season to taste and cook until done". Another rule I have is to always add at least a little food to my garlic. I also intend on critiquing local restaurants and wherever we are allowed to go during this pandemic.

MMMMMMMMigas. Cooked on stove, then added eggs and cheese to put under the broiler until eggs are like sightly poached. #bachelorfood #onepotmeal #castironcook

Bachelor breakfast tacos; late boomer style. Butter and olive oil to sweat garlic and onions. Add mushrooms, a chipotle pepper and hot sauce with some fresh breakfast sausage made by my local meat market.

Next come the nicely diced potatoes. Let them cook up for a little.

Add eggs. I had some smoked Havarte cheese to top it off with. This then goes under the broiler for a few minutes.

It comes out looking like this. A little fresh cilantro added. Stir it up and put it in tortillas.

Final product is delicious. It makes about ten tacos. One pan, a knife and wooden spoon. If I didn't plate it for this purpose, I would've just put the filling straight into the taco and devoured.

My favorite coffee shop in town roasted their own beans. I thought, "Why can't I do this?" Well, I can. These beans are a yirgacheffe from Smokin Beans Coffee. I bought five pounds on-line. I haven't noticed a lot of difference between different beans. I prefer a dark roast. The first time I ever tasted fresh roasted beans, I was camping in the Aquismon area in Mexico. They grow beans up in the mountains in small, isolated plots. The lady living next to our camp brought by some fresh roasted beans for us. The, scenery, the company and fresh roasted coffee beans were marvelous. We were there to look into see of the pits I the area. Look up El Sotano de los Golondrinas for reference.

On this trip we found what is believed to be an old Olmec or Huastecan pyramid. One of my friends on the trip is an amateur botanist. There is nothing amateur about this guy, but that's another story. His father was a botany professor at LSU. We were dropping these pits and apparently discovered three new species of cycads.

Back to the coffee. Roasting In cast iron is perfect. I think dark roasting is easier than tying to make a medium or light roast using this method. One thing to be careful about is to make sure your smoke detectors are turned off as this method produces a lot of smoke.

This is the final product. I store mine in an airtight container and just leave it on the counter next to my grinder. It works well with a filter, French press and my espresso machine. I don't have an automatic drip machine. One unique benefit of roasting coffee in cast iron is that it provides and unique seasoning to the pan. #roastyourown #castironcook #freshroastcoffee

This is the start of my cheesy grits. Since I come from Spooner's Grar and Bill, this is called my Greasy Chit. Today, I started be frying up some jowl bacon and added a little fried pastrami. Next, I boiled a half and half mix of water and whole milk. The grits were added with butter. I also had some smoky gouda to add. When thickened, I put four eggs on top and added some more smoky gouda and shredded, hard Montego cheese. This then went under the broiler to poach the eggs to runny and melt the cheese on top. The result....

Swirl it up and serve steaming in a bowl. Desfruta! #eatmoregrits #greasychit #grits


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