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Late Boomer Politics

Yep! Gonna talk about some politics from my perspective. Maybe we'll have some interesting and constructive dialog.

As a late boomer, I am among the last to benefit from the policies and actions of the Greatest Generation. That means FDR and the social democratic policies that made this country great. The biggest rise of the middle class in the entire history of this country. My mother never had to work. A single waitress could've raised her kids without severe poverty. I paid for my own college education and graduated with a B.A. and Masters degree without any debt at all. I could work as a bartender and general handyman and contractor to pay for my college education. The beginning of the end was the election of Ronald Reagan as president; the first person that some of my generation was able to vote for or against.

I do not understand how my generation became the worst. I remember watching the Vietnam body counts on TV, I remember wanting to save the Earth from pollution, and, yes, even global warming 50 years ago. We had TV shows that were actually thought provoking and intelligent. How we became the greediest generation in history, I will never understand.

I see the division today as a result of the Republican Party. The pendulum has switched so far to the right that these people being labelled as socialist or communist are so far to the right of middle of the road democrats of a previous generation. AOC, Bernie are spot on as to what I needed I this country. I would like my grandchildren to inherit the economy my generation did. No one should need to persue money for money's sake. Everyone should be able to make a living without killing themselves. Anyone should be able to walk into any medical center in this country and expect to be taken care of without penalty of bankruptcy. Anyone should be entitled to the highest level of education of their desire without being in dept for the rest of their adult life. It's not hard to make this happen. The minority but power starved party needs to return to their honorable roots. #boomer #liberalistheway

I can't help but comment on recent events. Storming the Capitol is beyond anything I thought I would ever see in this country. It just further demonstrates to me how the right has thoroughly destroyed this country. Most of the guilty are from my age group. It further stems me that so many people seem to buy into the narrative that some vague, anti-fascist group would dress up as pro MAGA, authoritarian fascists and commit the most fascist event in the history of this country, just to try and put blame on the true fascist group. I have intelligent and dear friends that are buying onto this crap. I do not use social media as my source of news. I check sources, including legitimate sounding websites. I also am well equipped with logic, reasoning and critical thinking skills. The news sources I try most to listen to include NPR, the BBC, Reuters and the like. Even when they provide news, I am still able to discern when they are leading, using red herring techniques and the like. The right has systematically reduced access to legitimate education that leads right to where we are now. People become narrow in their thinking because they have little interaction outside of their circles: work, friends, religion and social media. We must make education accessible and affordable for all. #endfascism #endMAGA


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