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Spaceboy Caveman Environmental Blog

As an environmental scientist with over 35 years experience in a highly specialized area of expertise, I will discuss my musings on the environment, climate change and related topics.

My main concern is the lack of knowledge regarding HUMAN INDUCED GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE! This is so far and above the greatest threat to the human race. I have children and grandchildren that I want to have a better world than the one my generation is leaving behind.

The simple way to explain human induced global climate change is to understand that only about 70 years ago, scientists became able to accurately measure the gasses and relative content of our atmosphere. The initial readings of CO2 in the atmosphere were measured at an average 0.03%. That is one-third of one-tenth of one percent of the gasses in our atmosphere. That means we can actually quantify the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.

Today that average is now 0.045%. That is an increase in 50% in around 70 years.

This didn't come from some external source or volcano. All one has to do is to think about how much CO2 is released by 7 billion people on this planet everyday. Any time anything is burned, CO2 is released in to the atmosphere. We've been burning an awful lot since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Please people, our children's lives depend upon our acknowledgment of this phenomenon and our ability to do something about it.

It pains me no end to hear sometimes, relatively intelligent people use the excuse that climate has always changed. That is true, however; never has this planet experienced HUMAN INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE! #climatechange #CO2 #savetheplanet



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